The day for trick or treating will soon be here, yet, neither tricks nor too many treats are good for your dog, and Halloween can certainly be a scary experience for your pet. Here are some tips from the American Kennel Club to ensure a safe and Happy “Howloween” with your dog:
- Although you may want to include your dog in the festivities, remember that chocolate and sweets are not healthy for your canine. A dog’s digestive system is not adapted for sweets, and chocolate contains Theobromine, which can be harmful and sometimes fatal to your dog. Baking chocolate is especially high in this chemical.
- On Halloween, walk your dog while it is still light out, if possible. Your dog may find candy, wrappers, and broken eggs on lawns and streets. Make sure that this “tempting treats” stay out of reach.
- Children in costumes can frighten dogs and, in turn, dogs may frighten children. Make sure pets are in a safe and secure room when you answer the door to prevent them from running out, getting hurt, and frightening your visitors.
- If you want your dog to greet trick-or-treaters, keep him on a leash. Your dog may be stressed by the noise, activity, or simply the interruption of his normal routine.
- If you decide to dress up your pet in a costume, supervise him at all times. Make sure it fits properly and is not in the way of his breathing, eyesight, or hearing. If your dog swallows any elastic or decorative items, it could cause bowel obstructions or choke.
- Don’t leave your dog unattended outside on Halloween, even if he is behind a fence. Pranksters may target your dog with eggs, and passersby may be tempted to give your dog harmful treats and candy.
- If you are having a Halloween party, consider confining your dog securely in one area of the house. Leave a radio or TV and lights on for the dog.
- Be careful about where you place candles and Jack-o-Lanterns. They can easily be knocked over by your dog’ swagging tail – and either start a fire or cause the dog to burn himself.